Amazon agrees deal with most Spanish workers over Cyber Monday ...

Amazon agrees deal with most Spanish workers over Cyber Monday ...

Amazon reached an agreement with most of its workers in Spain, averting a large-scale strike planned for Cyber Monday. The deal concerns better pay and working conditions, with only 5,000 delivery workers continuing a partial strike. The company assures customer operations will not be affected by the protests. Negotiations for further improvements will continue between Amazon and CCOO, Spain's largest union at the retailer.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Amazon Cyber Monday

When is Amazon's Cyber Monday 2023?                  Amazon's Cyber Monday 2023 event is scheduled for November 25-27. For more details, visit Amazon Cyber Monday Deals 2023.

Have there been any worker strikes during Amazon's sales events?                  As of the last update before the knowledge cutoff in 2023, Amazon's logistics workers in Spain planned walk-outs for Cyber Monday. For more details, visit Reuters.

What kind of deals can I expect on Amazon during Cyber Monday?                  You can expect epic deals from top brands on this season's must-have products. Amazon has historically offered discounts through Lightning Deals and promotional credits during Black Friday through Cyber Monday. For more details, visit Amazon Black Friday FAQ 2022.

Will Amazon offer promotional credits during Cyber Monday?                  Amazon has offered promotional credits in the past during the Black Friday through Cyber Monday period. Stay tuned to Amazon's announcements for specific offers. For more information, visit Amazon Black Friday FAQ 2022.

Can I get help with my advertising strategy during Amazon's Cyber Monday sales?                  Yes, Amazon offers guides and resources for sellers to help maximize exposure and sales during Cyber Monday and other retail holidays. For more information, visit Amazon Advertising Holiday Marketing Guide.

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