Case Study: How Revolutionized Steel Manufacturing Logistics

Case Study: How Revolutionized Steel Manufacturing Logistics


In the competitive world of steel manufacturing, timely deliveries and efficient logistics are paramount., with its innovative sim-based tracking system, has emerged as a game-changer for steel manufacturers. This case study delves into how has transformed the logistics operations of a leading steel manufacturer.

Client Profile:

Name: Shyam Metalics
Industry: Steel Manufacturing
Annual Production: 5.71 million tonne per annum
Distribution: Worldwide


Shyam Metalics, a global leader in steel manufacturing, faced several challenges in its logistics operations:

  1. Inefficient route planning leading to delivery delays.
  2. Lack of real-time tracking causing communication gaps with clients.
  3. Increased transportation costs due to suboptimal routes.
  4. Difficulty in managing a large fleet of delivery vehicles.


Shyam Metalics collaborated with to implement its sim-based tracking system. The implementation process included:

  1. Integrating's API with Shyam Metalics's existing ERP system.
  2. Training drivers and logistics managers on the mobile app.
  3. Setting up real-time alerts and notifications for efficient fleet management.


After implementing, Shyam Metalics witnessed a transformative change in its logistics operations:

  1. Enhanced Route Optimization:'s advanced algorithms ensured optimal route planning, reducing delivery times by 30%.
  2. Real-time Tracking: Clients could track their shipments in real-time, leading to increased trust and satisfaction.
  3. Cost Savings: Efficient route planning and reduced idle times led to a 15% reduction in transportation costs.
  4. Improved Fleet Management: Real-time alerts and notifications ensured better management of the fleet, reducing vehicle breakdowns and maintenance costs.

Client Testimonial:

"Before, we were struggling with delivery delays and escalating transportation costs. has been a game-changer for us. Not only have we reduced our delivery times, but we've also seen significant cost savings. Our clients are happier, and our operations are more streamlined than ever."
- Logistics Manager, Shyam Metalics

Conclusion:'s sim-based tracking system has proven to be a revolutionary solution for steel manufacturers. By offering real-time tracking without the need for any hardware, ensures efficient logistics operations, cost savings, and enhanced customer satisfaction. Shyam Metalics stands as a testament to the transformative power of in the steel manufacturing sector.