Civilian Deployers: Globetrotting logistician teaches DLA deployers ...

Civilian Deployers: Globetrotting logistician teaches DLA deployers ...

Gary "Shep" Shepherd, a DLA Supply/Logistics Instructor, discusses his approach to being a logistics expert. He believes that calling oneself an expert can lead to complacency, and instead emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and adapting in a constantly changing field. Shepherd has had a 26-year career in the Army and has made multiple civilian deployments, using his military background to integrate well with the military and support various missions. He has served as a DLA accountable officer in Iraq, Kuwait, and Afghanistan, contributing to cost savings during the Afghanistan drawdown.

Source: Link

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

FAQ: Civilian Deployers Program and the DLA

What is the Civilian Deployers Program?

The Civilian Deployers Program is an initiative where civilians have the opportunity to serve in various capacities, including overseas assignments, to contribute to the Defense Logistics Agency’s mission. It is part of the broader DoD Expeditionary Civilian Workforce.

Who is eligible for the Civilian Deployers Program?

DoD civilian employees as well as those civilians who are interested in supporting the mission of the DoD and have the necessary skills may be eligible to participate in deployment opportunities.

What kind of positions are available in the DOD Expeditionary Civilian Workforce?

Available positions range from blue-collar jobs to white-collar professions, including senior executive deployment opportunities, supporting a wide range of logistical tasks.

What benefits do civilian deployers receive?

While the specific link regarding benefits was not retrieved, typically, civilian deployers may receive additional allowances, benefits, and professional growth opportunities in recognition of their service in challenging and potentially hazardous environments.

How does the Civilian Deployment Program support professional growth?

Through participating in the Civilian Deployment Program, individuals gain unique work experiences and broaden their professional skill sets by adapting to different environments and challenges that can be encountered during deployment.

Will civilian deployers receive deployment health assessments?

According to DOD INSTRUCTION 6490.03, Service members, DoD civilian employees, and DoD contractors who are deploying or redeployed are included in the health assessments.

What kind of training do civilian deployers receive?

While the specific training is not detailed in the provided links, it can typically include team-building exercises, cultural awareness, and mission-specific training to prepare for deployment.

Please note, the answers to these FAQs are based on the content and context of the provided links. For more detailed and specific information, you may refer to the individual websites or contact the respective offices or program coordinators.