Climate Smart Food: Supply chain disruptions and water scarcity in ...

Climate Smart Food 2023 is a three-day event focusing on sustainable food sourcing, production, and consumption. It will feature panel discussions on managing disrupted supply chains amid natural disasters and conflicts, as well as the impact of water scarcity on food production. The event will also explore strategies to reduce reliance on water and embed sustainability in global supply chains. Various experts from organizations like FAO, Ferrero, Danone, and WWF will be speaking at the event.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Climate Smart Food: Supply Chain Disruptions and Water Scarcity
Q: What is the focus of the Climate Smart Food event mentioned in the article from
A: The focus of the Climate Smart Food event is on supply chain disruptions and water scarcity.
Q: How does water scarcity impact food security, according to the IPCC?
A: According to the IPCC, water scarcity can lead to a decrease in food production and market access, impacting food security.
Q: What are some options mentioned in the World Bank article for addressing water scarcity related to food security?
A: According to the World Bank, options for addressing water scarcity related to food security include better management of water demand and building more irrigation infrastructure.
Q: How do disasters impact supply chains, according to the FEMA supply chain resilience guide?
A: Disasters disrupt preexisting networks of demand and supply, including water and food supply chains.
Q: What are some of the climate impacts affecting food production, according to Yale Climate Connections?
A: Some climate impacts affecting food production include more extreme weather harming livestock and crops, as well as water scarcity.
Q: How does water scarcity impact food supply, according to the United Nations?
A: The United Nations states that water scarcity, along with climate change and population growth, puts pressure on food supply.
Q: What are some risks and opportunities related to climate change that food and beverage companies are reporting on, according to the BSR report?
A: The BSR report mentions that food and beverage companies are reporting on risks and opportunities related to climate change, including supply chain security, water scarcity, and infrastructure.
Q: How does climate change impact the food crisis, according to the U.S. Embassy?
A: The U.S. Embassy states that climate change, including extreme weather events, contributes to the food crisis through factors such as heat waves, droughts, and floods.
Q: How does climate change impact agriculture and the food supply, according to the City of Chicago's climate change website?
A: Climate change impacts agriculture and the food supply by putting livestock at risk from heat stress, reducing the quality of their food supply, and affecting fisheries due to changes in water availability.