Covenant Logistics to pay $700,000 to settle discrimination allegations

Covenant Logistics to pay $700,000 to settle discrimination allegations

Chattanooga-based trucking company, Covenant Logistics, has agreed to pay a $700,000 settlement to resolve accusations by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) that it discriminated against noncitizen workers during employment verification. Covenant Logistics and its subsidiary, Transport Management Services, will also revise their employment policies and receive training on anti-discrimination laws. The DOJ found that the companies routinely requested unnecessary documents from non-U.S. citizens to prove their eligibility to work. The settlement agreement states that there were no instances of termination or refusal of employment based on verification practices.

Source: Link

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the settlement amount in the discrimination allegations against Covenant Logistics?

A: Covenant Logistics has agreed to pay $700,000 in penalties to settle the discrimination allegations. [source]

Q: What are the allegations against Covenant Logistics?

A: Covenant Logistics was accused of hiring discrimination. [source]

Q: Where can I find more information about the settlement?

A: You can find more information about the settlement between Covenant Logistics and the Justice Department in this article from the Office of Public Affairs. [source]

A: Yes, there is legal action regarding the discrimination allegations against Covenant Logistics. You can find more details in this article about the case. [source]

Q: When was the settlement reached?

A: The settlement was reached recently, as indicated by the search results. However, the specific date is not provided.