Coyote Logistics Joins the TriumphPay Payments Network

Coyote Logistics Joins the TriumphPay Payments Network

TriumphPay has added Coyote Logistics to its open payments network, which now has over 30 of the top 50 US brokers as clients. Coyote Logistics joins the network to provide faster and more reliable payment processes for carriers in its network. TriumphPay's payments network offers additional data insights, security, and transparency for the freight industry. The partnership between TriumphPay and Coyote Logistics aims to advance the logistics industry and deliver innovation and results. TriumphPay is a division of TBK Bank, SSB, and Coyote Logistics is a global third-party logistics provider.

Source: Link

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the news about Coyote Logistics joining the TriumphPay Payments Network?

A: The news is about Coyote Logistics joining the TriumphPay Payments Network. This was announced by TriumphPay, and it expands their open payments network. Coyote Logistics is one of the largest brokers to join TriumphPay's network.

Q: When was Coyote Logistics added to the TriumphPay Payments Network?

A: Coyote Logistics was added to the TriumphPay Payments Network on October 31, 2023.

Q: Why is Coyote Logistics joining the TriumphPay Payments Network significant?

A: Coyote Logistics joining the TriumphPay Payments Network is significant because it expands TriumphPay's open payments network. Coyote Logistics is one of the largest brokers to join the network, and their addition strengthens TriumphPay's position in the freight industry payments network.

Q: Where can I find more information about Coyote Logistics joining the TriumphPay Payments Network?

A: More information about Coyote Logistics joining the TriumphPay Payments Network can be found on the TriumphPay website under the "News" section. There is an article titled "Coyote Logistics Joins the TriumphPay Payments Network" that provides additional information. You can also find information on this topic on Yahoo Finance. There is an article titled "Coyote Logistics Joins the TriumphPay Payments Network" that provides details about the announcement. The Supply Chain Quarterly website also has an article titled "TriumphPay adds Coyote Logistics to its freight industry payments network" that discusses the significance of the partnership.