Department of Defense Enters an Agreement to Expand Domestic ...

Department of Defense Enters an Agreement to Expand Domestic ...

The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Base Policy has awarded $94.1 million to E-VAC Magnetics to establish a domestic rare earth permanent magnet manufacturing capability. E-VAC, part of the VAC Group, will use the funds to acquire and install manufacturing equipment and establish production lines. These magnets are essential components in defense systems like the F-35 and UAVs. The goal is to establish a domestic rare earth supply chain.

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Department of Defense Enters an Agreement to Expand Domestic Operations

Q: Why is the Department of Defense entering an agreement to expand domestic operations?

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Q: How will the expansion of domestic operations by the Department of Defense affect the general public?

A: I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any relevant information in the search results provided.

Q: Are there any specific goals or objectives for the Department of Defense in this agreement?

A: I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any relevant information in the search results provided.

Q: Where can I find more information about the Department of Defense's agreement to expand domestic operations?

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