EGA Collaborates with Emirates NBD on ESGLinked Supply Chain ...
Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) and Emirates NBD have launched an ESG-linked Supply Chain Finance programme aimed at promoting sustainability in the UAE's aluminium industry. The programme encourages suppliers to adopt sustainable practices and invest in technologies and materials aligned with EGA's sustainability goals. It also allows suppliers to secure early payment and improve working capital management. EGA procures around $1.7bn of goods and services from local UAE suppliers annually, representing 45% of its total global procurement expenditure.
Source: Link
Frequently Asked Questions
EGA Collaboration with Emirates NBD on ESG-Linked Supply Chain Initiatives
Q: What is the collaboration between EGA and Emirates NBD?
A: EGA (Emirates Global Aluminium) and Emirates NBD are collaborating on ESG-linked supply chain initiatives. These initiatives aim to promote environmental, social, and governance practices within the supply chain.
Q: What is ESG?
A: ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. It refers to the three central factors that measure the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment or business.
Q: Where can I find more information about EGA and Emirates NBD's collaboration?
A: For more information about EGA's collaboration with Emirates NBD on ESG-linked supply chain initiatives, please visit the official websites of EGA (Emirates Global Aluminium) and Emirates NBD or contact their customer support.
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