EXCLUSIVE: With DoD ‘pausing’ negotiations, new F35 logistics deal in doubt for 2024

EXCLUSIVE: With DoD ‘pausing’ negotiations, new F35 logistics deal in doubt for 2024

The Pentagon and Lockheed Martin have been unable to reach an agreement for a new sustainment approach for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. As a result, military officials are exploring options to continue the jet's traditional maintenance structure until at least the end of next year. A congressional mandate that the agreement increase readiness or decrease maintenance costs has posed a challenge. In response, the Pentagon has extended the annual recurring sustainment contract through June 2024 and is working on a new sustainment contract beyond that.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the status of the new F-35 logistics deal for 2024?

A: The new F-35 logistics deal for 2024 is in doubt as the Department of Defense (DoD) has paused negotiations. Source

Q: Why is the new F-35 logistics deal for 2024 in doubt?

A: The new F-35 logistics deal for 2024 is in doubt because the DoD has paused negotiations. Source

Q: Who is involved in the negotiations for the new F-35 logistics deal for 2024?

A: The Department of Defense (DoD) and potentially Lockheed Martin are involved in the negotiations for the new F-35 logistics deal for 2024. Source

Q: What is the potential impact of the pause in negotiations for the new F-35 logistics deal for 2024?

A: The potential impact of the pause in negotiations for the new F-35 logistics deal for 2024 is that the issue could drag on and there may be delays in the execution of the deal. Source

Q: When did the pause in negotiations for the new F-35 logistics deal for 2024 occur?

A: The pause in negotiations for the new F-35 logistics deal for 2024 occurred recently. Source