Foreign investment in coldchain infrastructure: Bangladesh needs a ...

Foreign investment in coldchain infrastructure: Bangladesh needs a ...

Bangladesh needs a sound logistics policy to attract foreign investors and engage the private sector in developing cold-chain infrastructure. This will increase agricultural exports and position the country as a regional hub. Regulatory challenges, lack of facilities, high import duty, and limited access to inland container depots hinder progress. The government should create clear policies and regulations that allow the private sector to play a role and free up the market. This will reduce budget pressure and improve overall logistics.

Source: Link

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Foreign investment in cold-chain infrastructure: Bangladesh

Q: What is cold-chain infrastructure?

A: Cold-chain infrastructure refers to the network of facilities, equipment, and processes required for the storage, transportation, and handling of temperature-sensitive products such as perishable food items, pharmaceuticals, and certain chemicals, in a controlled environment to maintain their quality and freshness.

Q: Why does Bangladesh need foreign investment in cold-chain infrastructure?

A: Bangladesh needs foreign investment in cold-chain infrastructure to enhance its capacity for storing and transporting perishable products, improve supply chain efficiency, reduce post-harvest losses, and enable the export of agricultural and food products to international markets.

Q: What are the benefits of foreign investment in cold-chain infrastructure for Bangladesh?

A: The benefits of foreign investment in cold-chain infrastructure for Bangladesh include:

  • Increased agricultural and food exports
  • Reduced post-harvest losses
  • Enhanced supply chain efficiency
  • Creation of job opportunities
  • Transfer of technology and knowledge
  • Improved food safety and quality standards

Q: Are there any challenges or barriers to foreign investment in cold-chain infrastructure in Bangladesh?

A: Yes, there may be some challenges and barriers to foreign investment in cold-chain infrastructure in Bangladesh, which can include:

  • Lack of adequate infrastructure
  • Complex regulatory procedures
  • Insufficient government support and incentives
  • Political and economic instability
  • Limited access to financing
  • Cultural and language differences

Q: How can foreign investors contribute to the development of cold-chain infrastructure in Bangladesh?

A: Foreign investors can contribute to the development of cold-chain infrastructure in Bangladesh by:

  • Investing in the construction of warehouses, cold storage facilities, and temperature-controlled transportation systems
  • Offering technical expertise and knowledge transfer
  • Collaborating with local businesses and stakeholders
  • Implementing best practices in supply chain management
  • Developing training programs for the local workforce