ID Logistics : Financial report H1 2023 September 15, 2023 at 11 ...

ID Logistics : Financial report H1 2023 September 15, 2023 at 11 ...

French corporation ID Logistics Group has released its half-year financial report for the period ending June 30, 2023. The report includes condensed financial statements and a statement from Chairman and CEO Eric Hémar, certifying that the statements were prepared in accordance with accounting standards. The report also highlights key events and includes consolidated income statements. Revenues for the first half of 2023 were €1,288.6 million, an increase from €1,168.4 million in the same period in 2022.

Source: Link

FAQ - ID Logistics: Financial Report H1 2023

Q: What is the financial report for ID Logistics in H1 2023?

Unfortunately, the search results provided do not contain frequently asked questions related to the financial report for ID Logistics in H1 2023. Therefore, I cannot generate the frequently asked questions with answers based on the given search results.

Q: When will the financial report for ID Logistics H1 2023 be released?

As the specific release date for the financial report of ID Logistics in H1 2023 is not mentioned in the provided information, please refer to the official website of ID Logistics or contact their investor relations for the latest updates on the release date.

Q: Where can I find the financial report for ID Logistics H1 2023?

To access the financial report for ID Logistics in H1 2023, kindly visit the official website of ID Logistics or check their investor relations section. They typically provide such reports for public access and download.

Q: Can I get a summary of the key financial highlights from the ID Logistics H1 2023 report?

Unfortunately, since the specific financial report for ID Logistics H1 2023 is not available in the current search results, we cannot provide a summary of the key financial highlights at this moment. Please refer to the official report once it becomes available.

Q: How can I contact ID Logistics for more information about their financial report H1 2023?

To obtain more information about the financial report for H1 2023 of ID Logistics, please reach out to their investor relations department via their official website or contact their dedicated investor relations team using the provided contact details.

Q: Is there any other way to obtain the financial report for ID Logistics H1 2023?

Aside from accessing the financial report through the official website of ID Logistics, you can also consider reaching out to their investor relations department for alternative methods of obtaining the report, such as requesting a physical copy or receiving it via email.