Indian OEMs yet to adopt inventory management practice The Sunday Guardian Live

Indian OEMs yet to adopt inventory management practice  The Sunday Guardian Live

Indian auto manufacturers are yet to fully implement Just-In-Time (JIT) inventory management in their supply chain, leading to potential disruptions in operations and financial strain. Despite the success of JIT in the auto industry, a study by Vector Consulting Group reveals that no Indian OEM has fully implemented JIT, causing discrepancies between production processes and supply chain partners. Experts suggest a pull-based approach for improved supply chain agility.

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FAQs: Indian OEMs yet to adopt inventory management practice - The Sunday Guardian Live

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What recent achievement have Indian OEMs accomplished according to The Sunday Guardian Live?

A1: Indian OEMs have achieved the highest sales ever in February, as reported by The Sunday Guardian Live. This success was attributed to various factors such as inventory management, aggression in target setting, and evolving consumer preferences.

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Q2: How important is inventory management for Indian OEMs?

A2: Inventory management is a critical aspect that Indian OEMs have to address. The Sunday Guardian article hints at the importance of inventory management as one of the factors contributing to the recent sales success, suggesting that those OEMs who manage their inventories well are likely to benefit in terms of sales performance.

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Q3: Are Indian OEMs aggressive in their target setting?

A3: Yes, Indian OEMs have been described as extremely aggressive in their target settings. This approach can be a driving force behind their ambitious sales goals and could potentially contribute to their high sales performance.

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Q4: What factors influence consumer preferences that Indian OEMs need to adapt to?

A4: Evolving consumer preferences are influenced by numerous factors including technological advancements, economic shifts, societal trends, and individual consumer needs. Indian OEMs need to adapt to these changes in preferences by introducing innovative products and services, offering competitive pricing, and providing excellent customer experiences.

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Note: The actual article from The Sunday Guardian Live might contain more detailed information on these topics. I recommend referring to the original article for more comprehensive answers.