McGrathNicol, YouGov survey reveals Australian executives, boards ...

McGrathNicol, YouGov survey reveals Australian executives, boards ...

A report by McGrathNicol and YouGov reveals that Australian companies are failing to consider geopolitical, cybersecurity, and regulatory risks in their supply chains. Despite high-profile cyberattacks and global conflicts, many threats are not included in their risk management plans. The survey found that 94% of respondents had a high-level awareness of their supply chain risk management program, but 73% had not considered cybersecurity and 74% had not considered geopolitical risks. Business leaders need to update their understanding of supply chains to effectively manage these risks.

Source: Link

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Q: What is the McGrathNicol YouGov survey?

A: Unfortunately, there is no information available regarding the specific YouGov survey by McGrathNicol mentioned in The Australian Financial Review article.

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A: As there is no specific survey mentioned, there is no data available to share.

Q: Are there any reports or findings to be expected from the survey?

A: Since no information is provided about the survey, it is unknown if any reports or findings will be released.

Q: Can I contact McGrathNicol for more information about the YouGov survey?

A: For further information about the survey or any inquiries, it is recommended to visit the official website of McGrathNicol or contact their customer support.

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