Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement For the financial ...
Stephenson Harwood LLP and its affiliated entities have released a statement outlining the steps they have taken to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking within their operations or supply chains. The firm, which provides legal services globally, believes the risk of such activities occurring within their operations is relatively low due to their regulated practice. They assess the potential risk within their supply chain by considering factors such as location and sectors with a higher risk of modern slavery. The firm has not encountered any instances of modern slavery thus far and is committed to addressing any potential cases discovered.
Source: Link
Frequently Asked Questions - Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
Q: Where can I find the frequently asked questions about the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement?
A: I'm sorry, but I couldn't find the specific frequently asked questions with answers about "Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement For the financial year ending 30 April 2023" on the Stephenson Harwood website.
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