Office of Alumni & Corporate Relations

Office of Alumni & Corporate Relations

Indian Institute of Technology Madras has partnered with Redington to establish the 'R Srinivasan International Visiting Chair' to advance research in logistics and supply chain management, with a focus on sustainable practices. The partnership aims to attract global experts to collaborate with IIT Madras faculty. This collaboration underscores Redington's commitment to leveraging technology for seamless product and service delivery.

Source: Link

FAQs for Office of Alumni & Corporate Relations

Frequently Asked Questions with Answers: Office of Alumni & Corporate Relations

Based on the search results provided, it appears that there aren't any direct links with a comprehensive list specifically titled "Frequently Asked Questions with Answers: Office of Alumni & Corporate Relations." However, I can create some potential FAQs based on the content of the links related to alumni relations from various universities.

Please note that the answers to these fictional FAQs are created by summarizing and extrapolating from the content within the links provided. They are not directly quoted or sourced from a singular authoritative Office of Alumni & Corporate Relations FAQ list.

FAQs for Office of Alumni & Corporate Relations

Q1: How can I update my information with my alma mater’s Alumni Affairs Office?

A1: You can typically update your information by calling the Alumni Affairs Office directly or sometimes through an online platform provided by the university.

Q2: Is there a resource I can use to learn about the business of one and employment aspirations?

A2: Some universities, such as Longwood, provide guidance for students to clearly explain their "business of one" and aspirations through their alumni relations and career services.

Q3: How can I find out if my company offers a matching gifts program to increase the impact of my donation?

A3: To find out if your company offers a matching gifts program, consult your employer's HR office to obtain the policy and necessary forms.

Q4: What is the proper address to reach the Office of Alumni & Corporate Relations?

A4: The address usually varies by institution. For example, for USC Aiken, the address is 471 University Parkway, Aiken, SC 29801, located in the Alumni House.

Q5: How can alumni suggest or plan a reunion for a specific group?

A5: Alumni interested in planning a reunion can contact their Office of Alumni and Parent Relations to get started and learn more about the process.

Q6: Where can I find information about giving to my alma mater?

A6: Information about giving can generally be found on the university's official website, either under the 'Alumni' section, 'Giving' section, or directly from the Office of Development and Alumni Relations.

Q7: If I have questions that are not answered in the FAQ, who can I contact?

A7: If you can't find an answer to your question on the university’s website, you are encouraged to contact the Alumni Relations office directly by phone or email, which is often listed on the university's alumni webpage.

Please remember to reach out to the specific institution's Office of Alumni and Corporate Relations for the most accurate and up-to-date information.