Offshore wind projects need federal help to get built, six governors tell Biden

Six northeastern Democratic governors have urged President Biden to provide more federal funding and assistance for offshore wind projects, warning that the industry is at risk of failing without intervention. The governors want guidance on how offshore wind companies can qualify for federal clean energy tax credits, a revenue sharing arrangement for money generated from offshore leases, and faster permitting decisions. Danish firm Orsted has already considered walking away from projects in the region due to increased costs, but has postponed a final decision until the end of 2022 or early 2024.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: What is the Biden Administration's plan for offshore wind projects? A: Please refer to the EL PAÍS USA article for detailed information.
Q2: What federal-state partnerships are involved in growing the domestic offshore wind supply chain? A: Please refer to the EL PAÍS USA article for detailed information.
Q3: How is the U.S. Department of Energy supporting offshore wind transmission planning and development? A: Please refer to the EL PAÍS USA article for detailed information.
Q4: What actions are being taken to expand offshore wind nationally in the U.S. and promote clean energy advancements? A: Please refer to the EL PAÍS USA article for detailed information.
Q5: Which states are advocating for more federal funding and planning assistance for offshore wind projects? A: Please refer to the EL PAÍS USA article for detailed information.
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