S. Korea, US & Japan to hold ministers' talks on supply chain issues

S. Korea, US & Japan to hold ministers' talks on supply chain issues

Industry Minister Ahn Duk-geun announced an agreement after meeting with U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo in Washington. The discussions focused on trade, energy, and industrial issues, in line with efforts to strengthen trilateral cooperation among Seoul, Washington, and Tokyo. Plans were also made for the South Korea-U.S. Supply Chain and Commercial Dialogue (SCCD) to promote resilient supply chains for key products. Ahn proposed the creation of a Ministerial Energy Policy Dialogue to discuss bilateral energy issues. He also called for support for South Korean enterprises in accessing subsidies, tax incentives, and visas for their workers in the U.S.

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FAQs: S. Korea, U.S., & Japan Ministers' Talks on Supply Chain Issues

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the upcoming talks between S. Korea, U.S., and Japan focused on?

The upcoming talks between South Korea, the United States, and Japan are focused on addressing supply chain issues, particularly on topics such as commercial exchanges, emerging technologies, and supply chain resilience.

2. When are the talks between the three countries taking place?

The exact dates of the talks are not specified in the provided content, but the information suggests recent or upcoming discussions. Please check the latest news sources for the specific schedule.

3. What is the nature of these ministerial talks?

The ministerial talks are bilateral and trilateral discussions involving industry sectors, aimed at improving collaboration and addressing common challenges in supply chains among the three nations.

4. Have S. Korea, U.S., and Japan collaborated on such issues before?

Yes, these countries have a history of working together on supply chain security and other issues of mutual interest, including security and technology cooperation, as indicated by various diplomatic statements and high-level meetings.

5. Why is supply chain resilience important for S. Korea, U.S., and Japan?

Supply chain resilience is vital for S. Korea, U.S., and Japan due to the interconnected nature of global trade, the need to maintain steady flows of goods, and to mitigate the impact of disruptions caused by geopolitical tensions, natural disasters, or other global events.

6. How does the collaboration between S. Korea, U.S., and Japan align with their respective national interests?

Collaborating on supply chain issues aligns with their national interests by ensuring stable and secure sources of essential goods, fostering economic growth, and maintaining a competitive edge in emerging technologies. It also supports strategic security interests in the region.

7. Are the discussions between S. Korea, U.S., and Japan open to the media or public?

The remarks and press conferences of such high-level talks might be shared with the media, though the talks themselves are typically closed sessions. Specific details can often be found in official statements or press releases post-meeting.

8. How can I find more information about the outcomes of these talks?

To get the latest information on the outcomes of the talks, stay updated through official channels like the White House, the U.S. State Department, or the respective foreign ministries of South Korea and Japan, as they often release statements or joint declarations summarizing the results.

For more detailed information regarding these talks, it may be helpful to refer to related press releases or statements:

  • Joint press conference remarks by President Biden, President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea, and Prime Minister Kishida Fumio of Japan: Whitehouse.gov
  • Recent news on bilateral talks and trilateral industry discussions: SMETimes.in
  • For information about the regional security considerations, refer to the foreign ministry statements available at fmprc.gov.cn and mfa.gov.cn