Sanmar Shipyards Delivered Two Powerful New Tugs to P&O ...

Sanmar Shipyards Delivered Two Powerful New Tugs to P&O ...

Sanmar Shipyards has delivered two new-build tugs to P&O Maritime Logistics to operate in the Dominican Republic. The tugs, named P&O CAREY and P&O MANATI, bring the total number of Sanmar-built tugboats in P&O Maritime Logistics' fleet to seven. P&O CAREY is a versatile, multi-purpose tug based on the RAmparts 2400SX MKll design, while P&O MANATI is a technologically-advanced variant based on the TRAktor-Z 2500SX ATD design. The delivery strengthens the ongoing partnership between Sanmar and P&O Maritime Logistics.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who received the two new tugs from Sanmar Shipyards?

A: P&O Maritime Logistics received the two new tugs from Sanmar Shipyards. Source

Q: What is the name of the shipbuilding company that delivered the tugs?

A: The tugs were delivered by Sanmar Shipyards. Source

Q: How many tugs were delivered by Sanmar Shipyards?

A: Sanmar Shipyards delivered two tugs to P&O Maritime Logistics. Source