Signal: Nike shareholders reject assessment of supply chain due ... just

Nike shareholders have rejected a proposal to issue a report assessing the company's supply chain due diligence efforts. The proposal, brought by Tulipshare, called for Nike to report on its performance in addressing forced labor and wage theft risks. Nike's board of directors rejected the proposal, citing its commitment to ethical practices. Tulipshare argued that traditional codes of conduct do not hold Nike accountable for human rights impacts and instead recommended the adoption of responsible purchasing practices.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the latest news about Nike's supply chain due diligence assessment?
A: The latest news is that Nike shareholders rejected the proposal for the company to issue an assessment of its supply chain due diligence. source
Q: What was the outcome of Nike's annual meeting of shareholders regarding supply chain due diligence?
A: The proposal for Nike to issue an assessment of its supply chain due diligence was not approved at the annual meeting of shareholders. source
Q: Are there any shareholder proposals related to human rights and working conditions in Nike's supply chain?
A: Yes, Tulipshare, an activist shareholder platform, has called on Nike to offer more transparency on working conditions in its supply chain. source
Q: How is Nike dealing with supply chain disruptions?
A: Nike is facing extended lead times due to ongoing supply chain disruptions, but this is partially offset by strong consumer demand. source
Q: What are some challenges faced by Nike and other companies regarding their supply chains?
A: Nike, along with other companies, is facing challenges such as supply chain disruptions, reputational risks in doing business with China, and the need for risk resilience and rebalancing in global value chains. source1 source2 source3
Q: Did Nike's supply chain policies effectively address its equity goals and human rights commitments?
A: There is no specific information in the search results about whether Nike's supply chain policies effectively address its equity goals and human rights commitments. source
Q: What is the stock price of Nike, Inc.?
A: The stock price of Nike, Inc. can be found on or other financial news websites. source