US approves $300m Bell helicopter logistics support for Iraq ...

US approves $300m Bell helicopter logistics support for Iraq ...

The US State Department has approved a $300m foreign military sale (FMS) to the Government of Iraq. The sale includes Bell Helicopter contracted logistics support and related equipment, strengthening the strategic partnership between the two nations. The sale will enhance Iraq's defence capabilities and help address security concerns. There will be an extension of US government or contractor representatives in Iraq to provide support for the aircraft. Iraq's diplomatic initiatives with Western nations support its modernisation efforts and access to military technologies.

Source: Link

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the value of the Bell helicopter logistics support approved for Iraq by the US?

A: The US has approved a $300 million foreign military sale of Bell helicopter logistics support for Iraq. Source

Q: Which department of the US government approved the Bell helicopter logistics support for Iraq?

A: The US State Department has given the green light for the foreign military sale of Bell helicopter logistics support to Iraq. Source

Q: What does the Bell helicopter logistics support for Iraq include?

A: The Bell helicopter logistics support for Iraq includes Contracted Logistics Support (CLS) and Field Service Representative (FSR) services. Source

Q: Who is the subsidiary of Textron that will possibly handle the Bell helicopter logistics support for Iraq?

A: Textron's Bell subsidiary will possibly handle the Bell helicopter logistics support for Iraq. Source

Q: When was the approval for the Bell helicopter logistics support for Iraq given by the US State Department?

A: The approval for the Bell helicopter logistics support for Iraq was given by the US State Department recently. Source